Sunday 20 September 2015

Rope Of Hope

It was just another day for Rotty when a couple visited the pet shop and decided to give him a beautiful home and a loving family. Rotty was a 2-months old Rottweiler dog they bought for their 3-year-old child to play with. Entering into a new family and oblivious as a 2-month-old child, he felt happy when the child and parents spent time with him, and sulked in the corner when they didn’t. Stubborn and amiable and voiceless as he was, he used to rub his head against their lap to indicate his loneliness and desire to be loved. He came running whenever they called for a game, but no one came when he wanted them.

Rotty was accepted in the family and he loved everyone, but sprawling on the sodden floor was the only choice he had when they were away. He often felt left out in the home; dad used to go to work; child went to the school and mom was mostly in the kitchen. Mom used to fill his bowl with food time to time and caress his head with every fill.

“Go, fetch, boy”, said dad as he threw a sponge ball towards the fence. Rotty ran to grab and brought it back. Recreation used to continue until Rotty was exhausted and slept right there on the grass. He often woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares. Never being shy of calling his family when he needed them; he barked; he howled, but in vain. Walking on a thin rope of hope, he never stopped showing his affection towards his family. Even though they were not with him most of the time, he felt the joy of little time they were with him and learned to make the most of it.

As days, weeks and years passed by, Rotty became and gained brute strength; mentally he was still 2 months old and warm of heart. But they couldn’t see past his looks, Rotty’s distance from his family kept increasing gradually. He wasn’t cute anymore; every time he woke in the midnight, sunrise was followed by the clamoring of neighbors to get rid of him. He was now a threat to everyone. Tied and leashed outside the home all the time, he wasn’t even allowed to enter the place that was once home to him. Silently and feebly he sat, watching people pass by, hoping someone would snuggle him again. Rope got thinner as time passed by.

One day Rotty’s parents went running some errands, leaving him alone with the child. On return they saw Rotty’s mouth dripping of blood; his blood stained teeth sent a horror down their spine. Mom sprinted inside to see the child crying on the sofa and a body lying on the floor with a knife close to his hand. His hand snapped and a channel of a red river flowing congregating another river near the sofa which emerged from the leg; his face torn into pieces. She heard the loud screams outside, one full of fury and other screaming in terror for a help. She picked the kid and by the time she brought,  him outside, the shouting and screaming had stopped; Rotty was on the floor…..beaten…..numb. He caught a last glimpse of the child before he closed his eyes…….

He woke up lying on a ground with a bowl of water in front of his muzzle. He wanted to move, but his spirit, his love, his emotions, his body…all had given up on him, just lying on the floor senseless and emotionless. He saw people passing by, some offered him food, someone sat and smeared medicine on him, some tied pieces of cloth on his foot to cover the wounds….but Rotty never moved his gaze, and even his eyes gave up. Occasionally he stuck his tongue out in attempts to drink the water, drinking few drops and dropping many more. He was finally at a place where they loved him, but did he love them? Other dogs roamed around him and tried to lick his wounds, people walked by caressing him. Everyone at the animal shelter wanted him to be Rotty again. He heard voices of other dogs fighting. He wanted to sleep and he wanted to have those nightmares again, but his eyes wouldn't close; he wanted to bark and he wanted to yelp, but his mouth wouldn't open; he wanted to remember his family, but his subconscious wouldn't work, he wanted to feel life once again, he wanted hope again.

Then he slept… no nightmares, just lost forever in his dreams.

Picture Credits:  SPCA Noida

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